A sworn statement template is a document that contains facts related to a legal proceeding. It is signed by the person who submits it, that everything written in this statement is true, and they acknowledge that they may be punished if the contents are not true. Usually this statement is made by a notary public and they are the witness of the person who is signing it. You are required to show your government- issued photo identification to prove that you are an authorized party. Sworn statements are mostly used as evidence in personal injury cases and in many other types of legal proceedings.
Importance of Sworn Statement
Sworn statement template is important because it helps in maximizing fairness in obtaining an accurate account in any kind of legal proceedings. Individuals that are related to the case as witnesses are called to the court and this statement helps in ensuring that those individuals can be cross-examined by the opposing party but this is to keep in mind that this procedure is expensive and very time-consuming. In a few cases, such as if the individual is overseas or the individual itself is the victim, this may traumatize or upset them while telling it all in front of the court. And when they are cross-examined it can lead to double trauma and can have a very bad effect on them. Therefore it is better and will be very helpful to you if you get a sworn statement from them when you first get the chance to meet the witness and ask them questions about it. In this way, even if you are not able to call the witness to the court, you will have a legally signed document to present.
Elements of a Sworn Statement
A few of the things that are important to add to the sworn statement, without which it won’t be completed or acceptable, are as follows:
1- The first thing to write in the sworn statement are the details of the declarant, such as their age, name, work, address, and any other information you think is important.
2- The second thing that should be included in this statement are the details of the incident, such as date and time when the incident occurred, place where the incident took place. if anyone was present, if anything was said by someone or someone did something. The things that have been hearsay are mostly avoided as an evidence and it doesn’t hold much proof but still you can include it in the statement just in case that it might be helpful at the time of presenting in the court.
3- A paragraph that includes the declaration that the contents in the sworn statement are true, and that they know that this statement will be used as evidence in the courts for the case; and if the contents turn out to be false, they may have to face penalty for perjury. This is called an endorsement paragraph.
4- It should also include the signature of the declarant and the date the sworn statement was taken.
Sworn Statement Template