A Santa list template is a list that is prepared by the children that includes all their wishes, wants and needs during the Christmas. It also tells Santa the over-all behavior of the child throughout the year. The main objective of this list is for the children to be able to tell Santa about their behavior with their parents, elders and friends and try to get on Santa’s good list. Secondly, it is the only way through which the kids can tell Santa what gifts they want to receive this year as a reward for their performance and conduct. The kids who celebrate Christmas look forward to making their Santa list the whole year and have a very positive attitude towards this activity. The kids try to maintain their performance because they want to be able to make it on Santa’s good list, so all their wishes are fulfilled.
Santa List Day
After all, the kids send their wish lists to Santa, on the 4th of December. Whereas, Santa gathers all the lists into a single list. This day is celebrated by the celebrants of Christmas as a Santa’s list day. It is the moment of truth in which the big decision is made, will the child be on the naughty list or the nice list. On this day Santa creates his two infamous lists through which it is decided which kid will receive which gift. This task is accomplished with the help of Santa’s elves, who have been working hard the whole year and keeping tabs on the children and their behavior. Hence, even if a child lies on their list about their conduct, Santa will know. It must be clarified to the children that Santa is not cruel; he mostly ignores the small mistakes that kids make and puts them on the nice list because we all make mistakes.
Santa List and Composition
The Santa list is mostly provided to the children by their parents, which is a list of blank lines that are filled by the children. There is a bold heading on top of the paper which reads as Santa’s list or Christmas wish list to Santa. Other than this, there is a rating scale at the top or bottom of the list in which the child has to rate their attitude and behavior through the whole. The kids who are honest with their answers, are specially placed on the nice list. Sometimes, the list is divided into three separate categories; wants, needs and wishes. The kids fill the categories according to their wish.
Santa List and Its Advantages:
1. It is easier for Santa to choose which gift they should give each kid.
2. Santa is able to see how honest each kid is about their behavior.
3. The elves’ work is made slightly easier because the kids tell their wishes by themselves.
4. The elves are able to help Santa make the naughty and nice list with the help of the Santa list.
5. The kids are able to spend time with their parents and take their help in filling out the list.
Templates for Santa List