An impact assessment template is a series of steps in which the company evaluates the impact of a certain policy, intervention or new project on their company. It calculates the possible positive and negative after effects. It assists the company to acknowledge if the project or intervention will have a good impact on their company or a bad one. Based on this knowledge, they decide whether to proceed with the project or not. This assessment can be implemented at any time during the project to calculate its aftereffects. This assessment focuses on all types of social, political, economic and social effects of the project. Whether the project will help the company gain more costumers, will it be economical for the costumers and the company and the possible political issues that could be raised.
Importance of an Impact Assessment:
The impact assessment template can be implemented at any time during the project. However, it should be incorporated at a time when it is still possible to alternate the plan or project. As it is very important to proceed with a project that has the least predicaments. After the impact assessment has been employed and the company is aware of all possible outcomes of the project. Then the company usually proceeds with a needs assessment in which they figure out techniques to overcome the possible hurdles and obstacles in their way.
Basic Steps to Prepare an Impact Assessment:
An impact assessment is basically a series of steps or a flow chart which deeply analyzes the structure as well as the interior of the project to extract its possible outcomes and how those outcomes will impact the company. The basic steps included in an impact assessment to make it most efficient are as follows:
INPUTS: the first step of every assessment, it starts from the base of the project which ate the inputs required to process or start off the project. In this initial step, we are required to run an insight into the inputs that will be or have already been added to the project. Such as funds, staff, equipment and other relating factors. The point of checking the inputs is that it helps the owner understand the resources they need to work on the project.
OUTPUT: in the second step, the outputs or the results of a project are being analyzed. This is one of the most crucial steps because the outputs help the owner to realize the possible impacts on the company. While looking through the outputs, both the good and bad ones are reviewed.
IMPACT: lastly, the impact or the deep-rooted results of a project are being studied with their affects. Obviously, we know that we can not predict every situation. However, it is important to do your research and figure out the predictable impacts that are usually caused. Some of the common impacts which can cause loss or damage to companies are; external hazards, political, economic, and market sales.
Templates for Impact Assessment: