Categories: Invitation Templates

Funeral Invitation Template

A funeral invitation template is used to send unfortunate information of someone, who is passed away. It is a ceremony held for a deceased person a few days after they have passed away. It includes their burial or cremation, depending on the religion of the deceased or their family’s preference. For example, in Christianity and Islam they prefer to bury their loved ones. However, in Hinduism, cremation is preferred according to their religious beliefs. During funerals, people that were once close to the dead are invited by their families to attend their burial and share the loss of their friend with their family. Some of the family members, close friends and relatives of the late prepare eulogies and present them to the people present there.

Importance of Funeral Invitation:

A funeral can be large scale or just between close family and friends. Depending on the circle of the deceased and the financial status of their family. Managing funerals can be a very tough job since everyone is still mourning the death, but it is crucial too. This is why people prefer to hire a professional to print the invitations while they manage the other things. The invitations are sent out to friends, colleagues, neighbors, and relatives of the dead. Funeral invites are very simple because their main point is to inform about the individuals death.

Content of Funeral Invitation:

Funerals are always held in the presence of a church representative. Hence, it is important to send an invite to the church as well and inform them about the death. The invitations should be delivered at least a few days before the funeral via email, mail, or text message. Some of the main things to include in the invite are as follows:

1. Start off by a few words that indicate the person’s death. For example in the loving memory of… or the memorial of.

2. The name of the deceased.

3. A portrait of the of them (optional).

4. The life duration of the dead (29 February, 1994 – 18 June, 2021).

5. The name of the host and a few words inviting the guests to join them in the memorial service of their loved one.

6. The date, timing and location of the burial or cremation.

7. Specifications about eulogy registration.

8. RSVP details.

9. Contact information of the hosts of the funeral.

Funeral Invitation Template and Advantages:

Following are some crucial ways in which an funeral invitation template can provide multiple benefits, not only the host but also for the guests:

Since the families of the dead are still mourning, it gets hard to contact so many people personally and inform them about the burial. This way, a funeral invitation templates make the work trouble free. Additionally, if the host has the guest list prepared, the risk of forgetting to invite people decreases. They can reach out to large numbers of people and get the message delivered.

The guests get to know about the burial beforehand; this way they can save the date of the memorial and prepare the eulogy according to the specifications mentioned on the invite. The funeral invitation template acts as a reminder of the date, timing, and location of the funeral.

Templates For Funeral Invitation

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