Empathy statement template is a collection of words that helps you in establishing a connection with the person you are talking to. These words show to the other person that they are your sole focus at that moment and you are taking responsibility for them in that conversation. This statement also helps you increase trust and mutual understanding between you both. In other words, we can say that an empathy statement is an expression of your ability to share and understand the feelings of another person; it can either be in speech or writing.
There are a few things which will make your empathy statement better and will make the other person feel like you actually feel for them.
It is crucial to apply words like “I” and “you” in your empathy statement when talking to the other person. When you use personal pronouns in your statement, the person who will be listening to you will feel that you are personally involved and that you are actually interested in talking to them. It will make them feel that you understand the situation and that helping them is your priority.
Active verbs are a source of amazing assistance while writing a statement. We can compare these two statements, for instance; “I will make sure my team helps you in this matter” and “our team will help you in this matter”. In both statements, the use of words like “our” instead of “I” makes a great difference. This is because, the second sentence is anonymous, and no particular person is taking responsibility. Whereas; in the first sentence, it reflects that you are taking the responsibility, and you will get the work done. In this way, if you know the right active verbs to use, it will make your customer or other person believe that you will fix the issue and that you will keep an eye on your team until it’s done. Therefore, you should replace passive verbs with active verbs in your empathy statement.
It is very significant to be genuine and honest in your statement. If you are simply reading or writing a standard empathy statement, it will mean nothing and will make the other person angry. Therefore, it is important to be natural and calm rather than just trying to make your phrase sound good. You can use a little less formal language and let your words naturally flow. Few of the examples you can take are such as saying “thanks” instead of “thank you” or “have a good day” instead of “goodbye”. You can also use short forms of words instead of full forms such as can’t, don’t, and won’t. This will help you in building empathy with the other person.
A few of the statements that you can use is your empathy statement are:
1- “is there anything I can help you with? Big or small”.
This will assure your customer that you desire to help them and will do your best to resolve their complaint.
2- “can you give me a little more detail about the issue”.
Asking for more information from them will indicate that you are paying attention to them and that you are curious about the matter at hand.
Empathy Statement Template
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