Categories: Statement Templates

Cash Flow Statement Template

A cash flow statement template is one of the easiest ways to monitor a company or individual’s flow of cash in a narrow time period. This document is an essential source of information for a company to manage their performance and upgrade themselves for the future. We are aware that managing large amounts of cash and your expenses can be very stressful and tough. There are multiple situations of miscalculations or poor management skills that can lead you to face a big financial loss. Which is why we need to implement a method of surveillance that will help you keep a close eye on your cash flow (incoming and outgoing). These statements are used to overview your past expenses for the last one month, last six months, or last year. It gives a comprehensive summary of your income and expenses with their specific details.

Benefits of Cash Flow Statement;

Having a cash flow statement template can benefit the user in multiple ways. Just by having a cash flow statement you have a complete detail of all of your finances. You can thoroughly go through the sources of income, expenses, investments, sales, money spent on assets, reimbursement money and amount spent on business operations. Once you are aware of all the places you spent money and how much you benefited from it, you can use that to your advantage by planning how to invest your money for the future to gain more profit. Hence, a cash flow statement basically allows you to improve your company finances by letting you know where you went wrong in the past. The other benefit of a cash flow statement is that it helps you keep an eye on where your company’s money is going. If any irrelevant expense is being made by your money, you can track it and find out where it is being used. It enables you to extract out the extra expenses and eliminate them.

How to Prepare a Cash Flow Statement?

A cash flow statement template is prepared by the company’s accounting department. The accountants of the company have all the record of the company’s income and outgoing money. They are assigned to create a cash flow statement after a specific time interval. Besides, it is generally divided into three main segments;;

1- The Operating Activities (net income, supplies and inventory).

2- Investing Activities (investments such as office supplies and buying assets for employees).

3- Financial Activities (loans and debts).

The income and expenses of a company are divided into these three parts accordingly, and then the total net income that is gained after subtracting all the expenses is given at the very end of the statement. By dividing the finance-related issues of a company into these three sections, the company gets the advantage of being able to pin-point the purpose of each spending. Moreover, this is an ethical way of creating a cash flow statement instead of mixing up all the expenses and income. Which will create confusion and mishaps between the company and could lead to them facing a huge financial loss.

Template for Cash Flow Statement


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