The billing invoice template is a legal computer generated slip which can be handed over to the purchaser either in hard copy or soft copy. Usually, it is sent by the seller to his or her customer when asking for payment or a pending balance. Moreover, it can also be utilized for demanding advance payment from regular clients of the business. The size of your business does not affect the importance of billing invoices. This is because managing business accounts is what is needed for all sorts of work.
Different Types of Billing Invoice:
The billing invoice comes in different types and itself is the most frequently used invoice. The following are the most common types of billing invoice:
• Paid Billing Invoice: Some companies hand over the billing invoice right after purchasing the product or the service has been fully served.
• Unpaid Billing Invoice: These invoices are issued when services are provided. These invoices serve as a reminder to their clients after the end of the month. As far as the examples of these companies are concerned, electric companies, the telecommunication industry and promotional companies are perfect examples.
• Partial Billing Invoice: In some cases where the duration of stay is not confirmed, then the partial billing invoice is prepared at the end of service. For example, if you are in hospital, and you don’t have any idea of how long you will stay, then the billing invoice is prepared at the time of discharge from the hospital.
What to Include in a Billing Invoice?
Every company can create a billing invoice that fits the requirements of a company after products and services are provided to their clients. However, there is no universal format for making a billing invoice, but there are some necessary details which are needed in an invoice. Some of them are described below:
• The invoicing date on which it is issued.
• The valid information about a product or service which is related to the company. This information includes the following details; the name, logo and contact information.
• The full details of the customer and it includes the full name and contact details.
• The information about the product or services purchased.
All rows include heading for each section and this is the reason why it is easy to fill in.
Benefits of Billing Invoice:
The billing invoice template is an important document as far as professional business documents are concerned. It is a great tool for management as it helps you with maintaining your records. With the help of this invoice, you can keep an eye on each sales transaction on a daily as well as on a weekly basis. This way, you can prepare and retain a record of all cash as well as credit transactions. If you are looking for a highly professional billing invoice which fulfills all the requirements mentioned above, then you are at the right website. Here you can get an invoice which helps the seller to build trust in the customer.
Templates for Billing Invoice: