A bill of lading template is a legal document that is used during safe trading, and contains detail information about the goods in cargo. There are types of bill of lading such as ocean bill of lading, by road bill of lading, multi model bill of lading. An ocean bill of lading is also a legal document about the ship’s cargo, the goods that are being sent through ship. The goods, which are sent through truck by road, are called by road bill of lading. The bill of lading, which requires the goods to travel through three to four countries such as from Canada to UK, then UK to Pakistan, Pakistan to India, is called a multi model bill of lading.
Importance of a bill of Lading
If you want to save trading then this document will be very helpful for you. This requires you to first order the goods you want from other countries, such as if you live in Dubai, and purchase goods online from United States. After your order is complete from your side you will send the money to the seller online, or you can also send through someone. When your money is delivered to the seller, he/she will then go to the boat of his/her country, or to the truck. There he/she will tell the owner of the boat about the goods he/she is selling and will tell his/her name and your name. Then the next step will be that the owner of the boat will inform the seller that in how many days the goods will be delivered to the buyer, how much cost it will take, and will give three documents.
Details of a bill of Lading
A bill of lading contains information about the number of the container, in how many days will it reach to the buyer, in which boat are the goods selling, and who is the seller. These three documents are; first, original copy, second, photo copies of the document, so that the other copies can be used in case one copy gets missing. Then, when all this is done the next step is the seller sends the original copy of the document to the buyer, because the buyer needs to show the original copy to the boat owner, when receiving goods from the owner. The original copy can be sent through someone, or online. Then finally the buyer will reach to the boat of his/her country, show the original document to the boat owner, and receive his/her goods. So this trading process provides safety, security and proof from the seller that the seller has successfully sent the goods.
Advantages of a bill of Lading
If you use this process for trading of goods, then this bill of lading provides safety, security to your goods while trading. It acts as proof from the seller to you that he/she has sent your goods to the ship for cargo. You will be provided with the original document due to which you become relax and comfortable, knowing that your money isn’t wasted and you will soon receive your goods. You will get all information like number of container, the ship on which goods are trading. You will also be informed about the time it will reach you. You know your goods are in safe hands. Cases like fraud, goods got stolen or quality is not exactly the same. Money wasted will not happen in this process.
Template for Bill of Lading