An advertising agreement template is a legal contract that secures two parties- the advertiser and the client, together for a certain time period. In this agreement, the advertising company agrees to provide their client with some of their advertising services for some price. A good example of this agreement is between a radio channel owner and some brand that wants their product to be advertised during the breaks on the radio channel. The owner advertises the brand and in turn they receive monetary profit while the client gains the audience’s attraction. Hence, it benefits both parties in different ways. So the purpose of this agreement form is to bind such parties together to carry out a deal.
Format of Advertising Agreement
First of all, it is important to know that the agreement letter is made by the advertising company. So they are the ones setting the rules and assigning the client their duties. Yet, it is a good thing to leave some space for negotiation incase the client wants to change any of the statements or stuff. Basically, this agreement includes all the terms and conditions, permissions, price details, definition of the agreement and other various aspects of the deal. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that both the parties are aware of their respective tasks regarding the deal. Keeping all these things in mind, it is also important to be aware of the proper format of the agreement.
Content of Advertising Agreement
The basic elements of an advertising agreement are mentioned below:
Date: The date on which the agreement is being activated.
Introductions: The introduction of both parties and which category do they fall into (contractor or client). The introduction should include the official company names and their individual addresses.
Purpose: The main purpose because of which the agreement is being used.
Services: The advertising services that the advertising company has agreed to give to the client. This should also include all the specifications about how they are planning to advertise to the client. This includes the time duration of the ad, the way it will be advertised, and when it will be advertised.
Payment: The amount of payment expected from the client in return and when the client is supposed to pay. At the same place the transaction details and the dates should be specified.
Confidentiality Rights: This includes information about the deal that is confidential and must not be disclosed to the public. It is important for the client to agree to not disclose this information to anyone and protect the company’s rights.
Governing law: It is an important part of the agreement because misunderstandings can arise which lead to disputes. Hence, it is important for both parties to decide how they will deal with such situations in the future. This can lead to a healthy contract between both parties.
Agreement signature: Lastly, the client is asked to sign the agreement letter. This signature seals the contract, and from that moment itself the agreement letter is initiated.
Template for Advertising Agreement